Dr. Alexandra Turner Plastic Surgeon MBBS BSc FRACS MED00001125632

Plastic Surgery Adelaide - eyelid surgery face lift neck ear pinning

Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty)

Neck lift surgery is the surgical reduction of excess or sagging skin beneath your chin. It is a common procedure for both women and men to help show the natural contours of your face. As we age, it is natural for your skin to lose its elasticity, begin to sag and create the appearance of jowls or multiple chins. Our goal is to reduce the signs of aging with long-lasting, natural-looking results.

Reasons to have a neck lift

The skin of the neck and face is particularly delicate and susceptible to the effects of ageing. Daily stresses, sun exposure, and gravity all impact your skin over time, resulting in the emergence of jowls, slackening of the jaw, and the appearance of loose skin. A neck lift, or platysmaplasty, can assist in improving your jawline, smooth the neck contours, and remove excess skin and wrinkles from your neck.

A neck lift procedure can be performed on its own or with other procedures. If the goal of the surgery is simply to address sagging neck skin, platysmaplasty is very effective. However, many like to consider having other procedures at the same time, like facelift and eyelid surgery.

When you decide to have a neck lift, it is important to identify the contributing factors causing the issues you want corrected to ensure the best results. Dr Turner is highly skilled at identifying and correcting the specific factors so you can be confident that you’ll receive a lasting result. 

Neck lift procedure

Neck Lift surgery is performed under a general anaesthetic with an overnight stay in the hospital. Before you go under anaesthetic, Dr Turner will discuss where the incisions will be made and mark them out on your face and neck.

The extent of the procedure will depend on the contributing factors and what needs to be done to achieve the results you are seeking. For example, if the platysma muscles need to be manipulated to create a smooth neck contour, you will require a small incision under your chin and incisions behind your ear, similar to those of a facelift. When minimal change is required, platysmaplasty can be done with only the under-chin incision or the incisions behind the ear. The incisions are made in natural crease lines and the hairline to reduce the visibility of any resulting scars. 

During the procedure, the platysma muscle will be manipulated and tightened to properly support the resulting neck contour. The outermost edge of the platysma muscle is anchored behind the ear. Suspending the muscle like this achieves longer-lasting results because you are not relying on the skin for the neck lift. Then the excess or sagging skin is trimmed and repositioned before being sutured in place. Tension free closure of the incisions is essential for the best recovery and to avoid spread scars, pulled ear lobes, and downward scar migration. Once the wounds are dressed, a compression garment is applied.

During our discussion, we will share with you our recommendations for the best necklift techniques to achieve your optimal outcome based on the complexity of your procedure. We will ensure you fully understand the procedure that will be conducted during your surgery, as well as your steps for recovery, any risks and possible complications.

Recovery after surgery

You will receive detailed post-surgery care instructions, including information about typical symptoms that you may experience and signs of potential complications. Immediately after your surgery, you can expect some swelling and bruising, and your neck may feel tender, tight, or even numb. You will also receive information about what activities you can do during your recovery. 

You will wear a compressive bandage for a week following surgery. About two weeks after the procedure, you will have a follow-up appointment to check your progress and have your stitches removed. While recovery is different for everyone, most patients heal in around three weeks. 

Call Dr Turner’s office today to book your appointment to discuss the neck lift surgery and the platysmaplasty procedure and determine if a neck lift is the right procedure for you.