What is Breast Reduction Surgery?
Also called Reduction Mammoplasty, this surgery reduces the size and weight of one or both breasts by removing extra breast tissue. The breasts are reshaped and positioned higher on the chest to bring comfort and greater wellbeing to your body.
Through breast reduction surgery, you can achieve a lasting full breast shape, improve the symmetry of your breasts if asymmetry is a concern, correct the placement the nipple and areola complex, and amend drooping of the breast tissue.
Reasons to get a Breast Reduction
A woman’s self-esteem is often closely tied to the size, shape and symmetry of her breasts. Women with breasts that are too large and heavy for their body frame suffer from a range of health symptoms and lifestyle challenges. Physical issues can arise for large-breasted women, including poor posture, headaches and migraines, back and neck pain, shoulder indentation from bra straps, rashes under the breasts, and difficulty exercising. Most women find immense relief from breast reduction surgery and discover an improved level of confidence as they adjust to life with smaller, lighter-weight breasts.
Many women are pleased post-surgery to be able to shop for easier-fitting and nice-looking bras, clothing and swimwear to suit their newly shaped and uplifted breasts. Sporting activities and aerobic exercise can be enjoyed in comfort, with properly restrained breasts that feel in proportion to the rest of the body.
Breast Reduction Surgery Procedure
The breast reduction procedure is performed under general anaesthetic, usually taking two to three hours to complete. Patients are required to stay in hospital for one to two days post-surgery.
There are several processes involved in the pre-surgical assessment with Dr Turner. We will conduct a full medical history and discuss the procedure with you in-depth, including all risks and possible complications. A full examination of your breasts will be carried out to look for lumps, skin changes, asymmetry, and the position of the nipple and areola complex.
Our Plastic Surgeon
Dr Turner will talk you through all of the different techniques that can be used in breast reduction surgery, tailoring an approach to suit your individual needs. You will need to wear a good support bra for six weeks following the procedure. This is helpful in preventing the effects of gravity on a newly constructed breast, and for comfort purposes. Our team can help you choose the right bra for you. We will meet with you regularly during your recovery period to ensure you experience a smooth post-operative course.
As one of the most commonly performed procedures, private health funds offer at least a partial rebate for breast reduction surgery fees. To ensure eligibility for any rebates, please obtain a referral from your family doctor to present to Dr Turner’s office.
Contact Dr Turner’s office to make an appointment for a breast reduction consultation.
Read further information about breast reduction surgery on the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons' website here.
To watch a video on the breast reduction procedure please click below.